With our long history of caring for people, St John Ambulance Tasmania provides highly accessible and effective Non-Emergency Patient Transport services to the Tasmanian community. This service undertakes pre-arranged patient transport and care to and from hospitals, medical appointments, clinics, nursing homes and X-ray departments.
St John Ambulance sits on a panel of providers who are licensed by DHHS to provide non-emergency patient support to Ambulance Tasmania during times of high demand. We offer competitive rates and professional care and users of our service can be assured that individual and one-off requests will be arranged whenever possible.
St John does not provide wheelchairs, if the patient requires transport in a wheelchair, one must be provided at the point of patient pickup. Please note that patients who use a wheelchair cannot be transported in a normal stretcher vehicle if a patient is transported on a stretcher.
For more information or to arrange transport please email pts@stjohntas.org.au or call 1300 785 646 or click on the button below to book.